JCC Seminar Schedule
JCC offers training on
demand, on site, at Forums, and
by special arrangement.
Please tell us how to utilize
some of these approaches to meet your needs:
- On Demand training results from our collection of
requests. When we seem to have sufficient interest for a class, we schedule
and advertise a class. On Demand training is generally offered in Granville, OH, USA;
but that is not necessarily required.
- On Site training provides the opportunity for JCC
clients to request a specific time and location. On site training can
include specially tailored materials and can use development databases for the
site-specific labs.
- At Forums refers to the seminars that JCC provides at the Oracle
Technical Forums. These generally include a one-day (no fee) Workshop on the
JCC LogMiner Loader and a four or five day seminar from a selection
of topics.
By special arrangement provides a
mechanism for JCC clients to host a JCC seminar for the employees and customers
of the client.
We also welcome your suggestions for other seminars
that you need as on sites or on demand seminars at other times and locations.
Tell us
your "wishlist" of topics and
locations. For even better results, tell us any timing constraints and the backgrounds of
the people who would like to enroll in the training.
seminar listings provide a brief description
of existing seminars. A more complete description is available by
clicking on any of the titles. The general training notes describe some of the policies and options.
Indicate your preferences for additional seminars with email.

Get a seat before the parade passes by.
Send mail to [email protected]
with additional questions or comments.
Copyright �
2005 - 2011 JCC Consulting,
modified: November 19, 2011
Trademarks and credits.